The plan was to release Splice on Amazon on March 1 and then Shadow War on April 1. Splice has been winning hearts for a while now and Shadow War is on pre-order. Plan? Who needs plans?
Category: Uncategorized
It’s a contest! First in Series –Science Fiction
?Houston, we have a giveaway…If you haven’t read Splice, you can enter to win it on BookSweeps today —plus 50 exciting Science Fiction series starters from a great collection of authors AND a brand new eReader 😀
Here’s the link ?
When you’re done, comment to let me know you’ve entered!
Leave a Review
Have you been looking for a way to leave reviews of our books and stories? Here’s how.
Just a note: Some of our books and stories are available only to our newsletter subscribers. This means you won’t find them on Goodreads, Bookbub or Amazon. But we’ve been listening to your feedback and have set up reviews on our website that you can use to leave reviews for these.
The rest are on Amazon and Goodreads and we have collected all the links in one place to make leaving us an honest review even easier.
Leave a Review for Our Newsletter Stories
Leave a Review on Our Short Reads
Leave a Review on the Zero-Point Awakening Series
Leave a Review on the Mindstorm Series
Of course there’s no pressure to leave a review, but if you do, we love you for it. Reviews really help us out and we appreciate everyone who takes the time to leave one, even if it is a short one. Thanks very much!
Interviewed by a Gang who is Awesome!
ZZ was recently interviewed. Check out the interview here:
Two amazing new books coming soon
So what have we been up to? If you guessed writing, you’d be right!
We’re hard at work on Wunderkind, a new prequel to the Zero-point Awakening series.
We are simultaneously editing book 3 (Ascension) and writing book 7 (Incursion). We will be releasing all of this and more this year, so hang on to your metaphorical hats!
Wunderkind features Elliot Goshawk and Gunther (who some of you will recognize from Splice, and Gunther from Siege and Fire and Sand as well). The book also gives Millicent (from Siege) some air time.
We think you are going to love this one. It has been a lot of fun to write so far and, as long as we survive the editing process, we don’t see any reason why this will not be ready for download very soon. So stay tuned for updates.
But wait, there’s more! With Shadow War closer than ever to release, we will soon be putting book 3 (Ascension) up for pre-order as well. Here’s a sneak peek.
We are working hard to get these ready for you and we cannot wait to see what you think.
If you’ve read any of the books from our free library (available to our weekly newsletter subscribers for FREE) you can now leave a review on
If you’ve read Splice or Mindstorm, please consider leaving us a short review on Amazon as well.
Just in case, here are the links:
Mindstorm: Leave a review on Amazon
Splice: Leave a review on Amazon
Happy Holidays and a New Freebie
It has been a pretty terrible year for a lot of people this year. For us, it’s been a busy one. We started this journey in May. It was just an idea–two friends with a love for writing and for science fiction and fantasy in particular, collaborating on novels and short stories. What could possibly go wrong?
Project Status Update
Here’s a list of a few of the key things we have managed to do since May, 2020 (apologies in advance… this is going to be long):
Continue readingA Brand New Novel For 2021
Sci-Fi or Fantasy? It’s more complicated than that…
Shadow War: Available for Pre-order Now at Amazon
Writing is a funny business. We just released Siege (The prequel to the Zero-point Awakening series) and then Splice, Episode 1 and now it feels amazing that we are in the lead up to releasing Shadow War, Episode 2. Shadow War is available at Amazon now.
On the run from a remorseless corporation, now they’re working together to strike back!
Months have passed and Lizard Man and Assassin Boy are hot on the trail of their kidnapped loved ones. Everywhere they look they find the greasy fingerprints of Hellinix, a shadowy multinational corporation with grand and nefarious plans. A company that does not want to leave them alone.
They nearly saved the world the first time. This time will be different. Probably.
You can find out more about Splice here. And if you would like to know more about the story or the characters, there is no better way to get to know them than to read Siege, Fire and Sand and the upcoming Wunderkind (more on that later).
We (still) Love Writing Sci-fi Action (Part 2 Of 2)
The Zero-Point Awakening series is a sci-fi action/superhero story at its heart. In the last post on this topic, Damian described the process of working through the first draft. Once that was done, that’s where I took over.
Writing Sci-Fi Action Stories – The editing Process
I’m not going to lie. It’s daunting to receive a draft of a story and be asked to edit it. Exactly what that means in the ZZ Adams process may be a little different than some other writers, so let me explain.
Since we are a writing team, one of us has to take the first cut of everything we write. We switch that around all the time, but this one was Damian’s baby (yes, I’m blaming him for that ending, but at least he didn’t just blow everyone up (spoiler alert–there are no story-ending explosions in Siege). The other person then takes that draft and works through it, adding another layer of characterization, polishing dialogue, finding typos (most of the time), and generally making it shine as much as they can. So that’s what I did.
I got to read the first draft the way most of you would have read Siege (assuming you have read it at this point and if you haven’t I highly recommend it. Siege has the origin story for Millicent Cuff, one of my favorite characters in the entire series). I started at the beginning and followed Millicent through her journey, right to the (ahem) bitter end. I did have the benefit of having read more of Millicent’s chapters from when she was older, so I was willing to forgive a lot (unlike one of our beta readers who still doesn’t like poor Millicent to this day!)
Sci-fi or Not?
Editing is a methodical process. I like to read things aloud and see how they sound. That’s my way of doing it. I mostly work on the weekends since I have a day job, so my time is limited. It means I feel a lot of pressure to get things right the first time. Luckily, Siege was very clean first draft. The only issue we had was: was it sci fi enough to represent the Zero-Point Awakening series?
I still wonder whether it has enough elements to keep sci-fi fans happy (please feel free to let us know via our contact page). But ultimately, the story has to start somewhere, and this is where Millicent’s journey began, so we had to tell it this way.
That Ending Though…
Damian handed me the draft with a warning that I wasn’t going to like the ending. He’s said above that it is an impactful ending and I think that’s right, but I do not feel (even now) that it is a frivolous one. It is the ending that Millicent needed to start her on her troubled road. A character like her needs a start just like this.
So there it is. That’s a little bit of insight into what we were thinking when we drafted and edited Siege. Let us know what you thought. Feedback like that is invaluable to writers, especially self-published ones. Without your feedback, we cannot write the stories you want to read.
I’m looking forward to being with you on this journey. We are already up to Episode Five of the series with spinoffs planned, so strap yourselves in. This is going to be a wild ride!
~ Andrew
#sci-fi #sciencefiction