It’s here! Mayday has arrived…in August

Someone recently tweeted that you better write a book you love because you’ll need to read it a lot. This is very true. But even though we have read Mayday over and over again (and again, and again and… well, you get the picture), there is something magical about holding the dead tree version in your hand. We received a copy of Mayday today from Amazon and could not be happier. To everyone who helped us with it, thank you! We could not have done it without you. Novels are very much a collaborative effort regardless of what some people might tell you. It takes a village to get them done. To our kind beta readers, thanks for doing your best for us. We did not give you a lot of time, but we really appreciate your support. Any mistakes are ours (if you find any, please let us know!)

This is the series page on Amazon:

Check it out if you have not already.